City Centre Area Redevelopment Plan

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City Council passed the City Centre Area Redevelopment Plan (CCARP) on April 27, 2020, which provides a policy framework for guiding redevelopment and revitalization of the City Centre through consideration of land use, mobility, urban design, building guidelines, and implementation.

The CCARP’s implementation plan has identified several projects that will work toward fulfilling the vision of creating a vibrant, mixed use area. These include:

  • A Parking Management Plan;
  • A streetscape revitalization project (Stage 1: McLeod Avenue from King Street to Queen Street, and Main Street from First Avenue to Church Avenue); and,
  • Making Land Use Bylaw amendments to establish regulations consistent with the new CCARP policy.

This project site will be updated regularly throughout the process to keep businesses and residents informed as work unfolds.

City Council passed the City Centre Area Redevelopment Plan (CCARP) on April 27, 2020, which provides a policy framework for guiding redevelopment and revitalization of the City Centre through consideration of land use, mobility, urban design, building guidelines, and implementation.

The CCARP’s implementation plan has identified several projects that will work toward fulfilling the vision of creating a vibrant, mixed use area. These include:

  • A Parking Management Plan;
  • A streetscape revitalization project (Stage 1: McLeod Avenue from King Street to Queen Street, and Main Street from First Avenue to Church Avenue); and,
  • Making Land Use Bylaw amendments to establish regulations consistent with the new CCARP policy.

This project site will be updated regularly throughout the process to keep businesses and residents informed as work unfolds.

  • City Centre streets expected to be open by November 25

    Share City Centre streets expected to be open by November 25 on Facebook Share City Centre streets expected to be open by November 25 on Twitter Share City Centre streets expected to be open by November 25 on Linkedin Email City Centre streets expected to be open by November 25 link

    City Centre streets that have been temporarily closed due to construction work this summer and fall are expected to be open for the winter by Friday, November 25.

    There will still be some temporary parking and sidewalk closures on the north end of Main Street, but the driving lane will be open and pedestrians will be accommodated.

    As well, the sidewalk on Main Street north and sections of sidewalk on Main Street south will be temporary pavement. This is because the pavement will be removed in the spring so permanent concrete can be poured.

    This construction work is part of the streetscape revitalization project, which is focused on revitalizing the area and making the City Centre a place where people of all ages come to shop, dine, work, live, socialize, interact and participate in a variety of community, arts and cultural experiences.

  • Construction wrapping up for the year on streetscape revitalization project

    Share Construction wrapping up for the year on streetscape revitalization project on Facebook Share Construction wrapping up for the year on streetscape revitalization project on Twitter Share Construction wrapping up for the year on streetscape revitalization project on Linkedin Email Construction wrapping up for the year on streetscape revitalization project link

    After a couple of busy months, construction work will soon be wrapping up on the streetscape revitalization project in Spruce Grove’s City Centre and there will be two-way traffic and full pedestrian access to all businesses at all times during the winter months.

    Most of the underground work is done for this year, with some very minor underground work to be completed in 2023.

    Irrigation work has been completed and all the soil cells have been installed and are being filled with soil.

    This picture shows what the soil cells look like under the road and sidewalks before they are filled with the soil. These cells help keep the soil from compacting and impacting tree roots. They also allow water to get into the soil and not affect the road or sidewalk structure.

    Surface work has started, and crews are working quickly to get the roadways paved and open for the winter months. The west side of McLeod Avenue and the north side of Main Street have been paved and the remaining open roadways will be paved the last week of October.

    The goal for the remainder of October is to finish the required concrete curbing to allow the roadways to be paved during the warmer weather. Concrete work will also continue into November, including sidewalks, the median wall, benches and decorative brick sections. This will involve heating and tarping, so areas will still need to be closed off to protect those sections from vandalism and keep workers safe as they will not have the same visibility of their surroundings.

    Work will continue in a way to allow the roadways and sidewalks to be fully open to vehicles and pedestrians as they are completed. There will also continue to be full pedestrian access.

    Businesses in the City Centre remain open during the construction and the community is encouraged to continue supporting them throughout this temporary disruption in the area. Please check out this site for information and an interactive map to find parking and local shops in the area.

    Concrete poured for a sidewalk in front of 215 McLeod Avenue.

    Concrete poured for the curb ramp at the northwest intersection corner of McLeod Avenue and Main Street.

  • Council and community partners celebrate opening of updated Columbus Park

    Share Council and community partners celebrate opening of updated Columbus Park on Facebook Share Council and community partners celebrate opening of updated Columbus Park on Twitter Share Council and community partners celebrate opening of updated Columbus Park on Linkedin Email Council and community partners celebrate opening of updated Columbus Park link

    The transformation of Columbus Park in Spruce Grove’s City Centre is now complete, creating a welcoming and open space that can be used for gathering and public events in all seasons.

    City Council, together with members of the City Centre Business Association, officially marked the opening of the park with a ceremonial ribbon cutting on September 26.

    The redevelopment of Columbus Park is part of the overall City Centre Area Redevelopment Plan (CCARP), which was approved by Council in 2020. This plan provides a framework for guiding the revitalization of the City Centre to create a vibrant, mixed-use space.

    Located in the heart of the City Centre at the intersection of McLeod Avenue and Main Street, the updated Columbus Park has improved seating and shelter, new greenery and lighting, and a permanent stage.

    “The redevelopment of Columbus Park is a key element in the overall revitalization of the City Centre and we are thrilled with the end result,” said Mayor Jeff Acker. “The new design and features of the park will truly make it a space that can accommodate a variety of needs and help bring people to our City Centre.”

    Additional CCARP work currently underway is a streetscape revitalization project that will help create a safer, pedestrian focused environment by improving sidewalks and street crossings, adding street trees, landscaping, and places to gather.

    The end result will be a dynamic, welcoming space and improved experience for those who walk, bike, drive, or use transit to access the area.

    “I’d like to thank our residents and the business community for their ongoing support during this redevelopment work,” said Mayor Acker. “We truly appreciate your understanding and cooperation as we work towards our shared goal of creating a vibrant City Centre.”

    Columbus Park has been in its current location in the City Centre since the late 1990s thanks to the support of the Knights of Columbus and other community supporters. Previously, the park was located on the opposite corner of the intersection.

    Although Columbus Park is now open, there will be times when workers need to access the site to complete some final touches to the space. During these times, sections of the park may be temporarily fenced off for safety reasons.

  • Temporary intersection closures expected to start week of September 26

    Share Temporary intersection closures expected to start week of September 26 on Facebook Share Temporary intersection closures expected to start week of September 26 on Twitter Share Temporary intersection closures expected to start week of September 26 on Linkedin Email Temporary intersection closures expected to start week of September 26 link

    Two intersections in the City Centre area will be temporarily closed to accommodate work on the streetscape revitalization project.

    The closures are expected to start during the week of September 26 and will impact:

    • The intersection of McLeod Avenue and Main Street
    • The intersection of Church Road and Main Street

    These temporary closures are required to finish connecting the new deep utility mains to the existing mains, and to decommission the old mains.

    Drivers are asked to watch for signage and detour accordingly.

    The streetscape revitalization project is part of the overall City Centre Area Redevelopment Plan, which is focused on revitalizing the area and making the City Centre a place where people of all ages come to shop, dine, work, live, socialize, interact and participate in a variety of community, arts and cultural experiences.

    Businesses in the City Centre remain open during the construction and the community is encouraged to continue supporting them throughout this temporary disruption in the area. Please check out this site for information and an interactive map to find parking and local shops in the area.

  • Summer progress update and fall look ahead

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    July and August were busy months for the streetscape revitalization project in the Spruce Grove City Centre area.

    Much of the focus has been on underground work in the area, including new water main and sanitary sewer line installation and some storm water tie-ins. Some surface work has also started, including the removal of some sidewalks, and grading and graveling for new sidewalks.

    These underground upgrades will support service to existing businesses and residents, while also creating opportunity for new development.

    Moving into September, the underground work and installation of deep utilities will be completed in the coming weeks, and more surface work will begin along with the installation of the soil cells, electrical conduit, and remaining irrigation.

    There will be some temporary access disruptions while the road and sidewalks are brought up to the proper elevation, and again when the concrete is poured. Impacted businesses will be notified if they will be affected by this work.

    There will be some intersection interruptions at McLeod Avenue and King Street, as well as at Main Street and Church Avenue, to connect the newly installed mains to the existing lines.

    Businesses in the City Centre remain open during the construction and the community is encouraged to continue supporting them throughout this temporary disruption in the area. Please check out this site for information and an interactive map to find parking and local shops in the area.

    Intersection of McLeod Avenue (looking west): Underground work has been completed; tie-in at Queen Street being done.

    Intersection - Main Street (looking south): Asphalt removal completed and waterline started.

    Intersection - McLeod Avenue (looking east): Asphalt removals completed and underground work has been started.

    Intersection - Main Street (looking north): Underground work completed; soil cells about to be installed.

    Photos courtesy of ISL Engineering

  • UPDATED DATE: Temporary lane reduction on King Street starting September 6

    Share UPDATED DATE: Temporary lane reduction on King Street starting September 6 on Facebook Share UPDATED DATE: Temporary lane reduction on King Street starting September 6 on Twitter Share UPDATED DATE: Temporary lane reduction on King Street starting September 6 on Linkedin Email UPDATED DATE: Temporary lane reduction on King Street starting September 6 link

    September 2 update: The lane reduction is now expected to start on Tuesday, September 6. Thank you for your understanding!

    Beginning sometime in the next week, both northbound and southbound traffic on King Street will be reduced to one lane in each direction around the McLeod Avenue intersection.

    As part of the streetscape redevelopment work, new sanitary and storm lines need to be connected to the existing ones under King Street.

    Once work begins, it is expected to take between one and two weeks, as long as weather is favourable to pave the road once underground work is complete.

  • UPDATED DATE: Temporary intersection closure at Queen Street and McLeod Avenue starting August 1

    Share UPDATED DATE: Temporary intersection closure at Queen Street and McLeod Avenue starting August 1 on Facebook Share UPDATED DATE: Temporary intersection closure at Queen Street and McLeod Avenue starting August 1 on Twitter Share UPDATED DATE: Temporary intersection closure at Queen Street and McLeod Avenue starting August 1 on Linkedin Email UPDATED DATE: Temporary intersection closure at Queen Street and McLeod Avenue starting August 1 link

    July 27 update: The intersection closure is now expected to start on Monday, August 1. Thank you for your understanding!

    The intersection of Queen Street and McLeod Avenue in the City Centre area is expected to be temporarily closed starting Friday, July 22. The closure is anticipated to last no longer than one week.

    This closure will have the following impacts:

    • Traffic driving north on Queen Street will have to turn right and go east down McLeod Avenue. Drivers will not be able to turn left or go straight through the intersection.
    • Traffic driving east on McLeod Avenue will not be able to turn left at the intersection. Drivers will only be able to go straight or turn right.

    This temporary closure is required to accommodate the connection of new water main lines to the existing connections.

    As a reminder, businesses in the City Centre area remain open during the construction and the community is encouraged to continue supporting them during this redevelopment work.

  • Below the surface – a peek under the City’s streets

    Share Below the surface – a peek under the City’s streets on Facebook Share Below the surface – a peek under the City’s streets on Twitter Share Below the surface – a peek under the City’s streets on Linkedin Email Below the surface – a peek under the City’s streets link

    For many of us, when we think about the City’s streets and roadways, we look at them as a way to get around Spruce Grove. They connect our neighbourhoods and allow us to access the many stores, services, and other amenities in our community.

    But have you ever stopped to consider what’s going on underneath the asphalt?

    If you could peek under the City’s streets, you’d find that it’s the home of many critical services we rely on each day. This includes sanitary sewer lines, water main lines, and stormwater utility lines, as well as private utilities such as cable, telephone, and electrical.

    When these underground services need upgrading or repair work, there’s no other option but to go in from above – and that can result in some significant impacts to local streets.

    A good example of this is the current work going on in the City Centre area of Spruce Grove. As part of the streetscape revitalization project on Main Street and McLeod Avenue, the majority of this year’s work is focused on the rehabilitation of the underground infrastructure in the area.

    These underground upgrades will support service to existing businesses and residents, while also creating opportunity for new development.

    So far, new water main and sanitary sewer lines have been installed and some storm water tie-ins have been completed. Additional underground utility installation will continue for the rest of this year’s construction season. There will be some surface work occurring this year, but the majority of that will wait until the 2023 construction season.

    “We’d really like thank the community and businesses in the area for their patience and cooperation during this underground work,” said City Municipal Engineer Rae-Lynne Spila. “It can be hard to see the work that’s happening when so much of it is beneath the surface, but these upgrades are an important part of this project and will support the ongoing revitalization efforts in the City Centre area.”

    The streetscape project is one element of the larger City Centre Area Redevelopment Plan that is focused on revitalizing the area and making the City Centre a place where people of all ages come to shop, dine, work, live, socialize, interact and participate in a variety of community, arts and cultural experiences.

    McLeod Avenue (looking west) – water main has been completed and the sanitary line is currently being installed.

    Main Street (looking north) – water main installation.

    Intersection - Main Street (looking south) – some asphalt removal completed for some storm tie-ins.

    Photos courtesy of ISL Engineering

  • Temporary parking impacts on Main Street expected to start July 18

    Share Temporary parking impacts on Main Street expected to start July 18 on Facebook Share Temporary parking impacts on Main Street expected to start July 18 on Twitter Share Temporary parking impacts on Main Street expected to start July 18 on Linkedin Email Temporary parking impacts on Main Street expected to start July 18 link

    Parking on Main Street between McLeod Avenue and Church Road will be temporarily removed to accommodate construction work on the streetscape redevelopment project in the City Centre area. This removal is anticipated to start as early as Monday, July 18, and is expected to last no longer than one week. Traffic along this section of road will also be reduced to one northbound lane.

    This construction work will support the installation of new water services to the east and west sides of Main Street. The rehabilitation of this underground infrastructure will serve both businesses and residents and create the opportunity for new development.

  • UPDATED DATE: Temporary road and intersection closure in City Centre on July 11

    Share UPDATED DATE: Temporary road and intersection closure in City Centre on July 11 on Facebook Share UPDATED DATE: Temporary road and intersection closure in City Centre on July 11 on Twitter Share UPDATED DATE: Temporary road and intersection closure in City Centre on July 11 on Linkedin Email UPDATED DATE: Temporary road and intersection closure in City Centre on July 11 link

    July 8 update: Please note that due to weather conditions, these closures have been rescheduled for Monday, July 11, starting at 7 p.m.

    To accommodate paving work, the following closures will be in the City Centre area on Thursday, July 7, starting at 7 p.m.:

    • McLeod Avenue will be closed between Queen Street and Main Street.
    • The intersection of McLeod Avenue and Main Street will be closed.

    Both the road and the intersection are expected to be open by the following morning. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Page last updated: 03 Oct 2024, 11:52 AM