Year End Update
The Shape of Our Community is Spruce Grove’s new Municipal Development Plan (MDP) which is currently under development. This plan helps us make decisions for our community in the short, medium, and long terms, aligning with our goals for the future. All Alberta municipalities are required to adopt an MDP bylaw in accordance with the Municipal Government Act.
In our last newsletter, we discussed the community’s key values, drivers, and preferences derived from the Shaping Our Community engagement process. Since then, we’ve continued to engage with people on the project holding meetings with the Technical Advisory Committee, the Community Panel, and with Council, as well as hosting a public open house event on October 18, 2023.
We continue to work behind the scenes:
- reviewing, drafting, and refining policies;
- writing sections of the MDP document; and
- developing the figures, images, and mapping to support the plan.
A preliminary draft MDP document is expected to be ready April 2024.

If you have questions about the project, please email
As we wrap up another remarkable year, the MDP Project Team would like to wish you all the best during the holiday season and extend our heartfelt seasons greetings to each and every one of you.
Warmest regards,
The MDP Project Team
Consultation has concluded