Housing Strategy

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The City of Spruce Grove is a vibrant, dynamic community of nearly 40,000 people. Over the next 20 years, the population is anticipated to increase by more than 25,000. To accommodate and responsibly plan for this growth, the City is reviewing our housing inventory and what types of housing may be needed in the future.

The Housing Strategy will affect Spruce Grove residents and businesses as it will guide the City’s approach to housing and inform future decisions on land use and housing developments. It will outline expected outcomes, goals, and actions to support the development of a variety of housing choices to meet the needs of the community. These housing choices are often presented on a housing continuum to highlight the nature of different housing needs in a community (supportive/affordable/market).

The first step in developing the City’s Housing Strategy is to complete a Housing Needs Assessment. The Assessment provides a snapshot of housing needs in the City. It includes City demographic data such as population, home occupancy versus size of home (number of bedrooms etc.) and housing costs. The Assessment identifies what housing gaps exist today in Spruce Grove and pending different population growth scenarios, what housing demands and gaps may exist in the future.

The Housing Needs Assessment will be used to inform the Housing Strategy. A link to the Assessment is included on this page for reference if you want more information on the current state of housing in the City.

Now, we want to hear from you! Share your feedback on what types of housing we need in our community. Your feedback is a key component in the development of the City’s Housing Strategy.

The City of Spruce Grove is a vibrant, dynamic community of nearly 40,000 people. Over the next 20 years, the population is anticipated to increase by more than 25,000. To accommodate and responsibly plan for this growth, the City is reviewing our housing inventory and what types of housing may be needed in the future.

The Housing Strategy will affect Spruce Grove residents and businesses as it will guide the City’s approach to housing and inform future decisions on land use and housing developments. It will outline expected outcomes, goals, and actions to support the development of a variety of housing choices to meet the needs of the community. These housing choices are often presented on a housing continuum to highlight the nature of different housing needs in a community (supportive/affordable/market).

The first step in developing the City’s Housing Strategy is to complete a Housing Needs Assessment. The Assessment provides a snapshot of housing needs in the City. It includes City demographic data such as population, home occupancy versus size of home (number of bedrooms etc.) and housing costs. The Assessment identifies what housing gaps exist today in Spruce Grove and pending different population growth scenarios, what housing demands and gaps may exist in the future.

The Housing Needs Assessment will be used to inform the Housing Strategy. A link to the Assessment is included on this page for reference if you want more information on the current state of housing in the City.

Now, we want to hear from you! Share your feedback on what types of housing we need in our community. Your feedback is a key component in the development of the City’s Housing Strategy.

  • Let's talk housing - share your input on housing needs in Spruce Grove!

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    The City of Spruce Grove is developing a Housing Strategy to help meet the housing goals for our community and inform future decisions on land use and we want to hear from you!

    The City recently completed a Housing Needs Assessment to identify current and future housing needs. This assessment will serve as a foundational piece for the Housing Strategy, which will explore various housing types and identify strategies and actions to address our city's housing needs.

    “Spruce Grove is a vibrant and growing community,” said Mayor Jeff Acker. “As the population continues to increase year over year, it is important we have a strategy in place to ensure growth and development will meet the housing needs of all those who choose to call Spruce Grove home.”

    Now, we want to hear your thoughts on housing in Spruce Grove. Share your feedback and input by completing a brief online survey. The deadline to complete the survey is July 15, 2024. Paper copies of the survey are available at service counters in City Hall, the Border Paving Athletic Centre, Community Social Development and Public Works as well as the TransAlta Tri-Leisure Centre and the Spruce Grove Public Library.

Page last updated: 03 Jun 2024, 11:25 AM