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Community Development Newsletter Survey 2024

Thank you for taking a few minutes to help us assess the effectiveness of our Community Development Newsletter. Your feedback will help us make it more valuable to you and our community.


How often do you read the monthly City of Spruce Grove Recreation & Culture Community Development Newsletter?

* required

What types of content do you find most valuable in the newsletter? (Select all that apply)

* required

Since reading the Community Development Newsletter, how would you rate your knowledge about community development activities and resources?

* required

Has the content in the newsletter prompted you to do any of the following? (Select all that apply)

* required

Do you feel the newsletter content has helped you develop new skills to contribute more effectively to your organization?

* required

Overall, how valuable do you find the Community Development Newsletter to be?

* required

How do you feel about the current method of receiving our newsletter via email?

* required